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How to Make an Infographic Video with Canva

Kyla Ball

Infographics are a great way to present complex information in a clear and concise way. They are used for data visualization across every sector and can package up pages of text into one easy-to-digest picture.

But static infographics can become dull and repetitive – the opposite effect that you’re looking for! One way to add more information and interest to them is by creating interactive infographics. We have covered Interactive Infographics in a series of blogs, which you can find linked at the bottom of this page.

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But what about taking your infographic designs to the next level by putting them into video format? Even the plainest graph or pie chart is instantly more engaging and memorable when presented in video form as an animation. In this blog we show you just how easy it is to put your information into short, simple animated infographic videos with Canva. There’s no graphic design experience needed – it’s a platform that anyone can use.

Take a look at this simple example below which was created from a Canva template.

A simple infographic video created in Canva

Why should you make an infographic video?

Video content is everywhere! And for good reason.

  1. Video is engaging: Animated videos and infographic videos are engaging and can capture the viewer’s attention quickly.
  2. Video is versatile: Infographic videos can be used for a wide range of purposes, from explainer videos to training materials, reports, educational resources, and more.
  3. Video is memorable: Videos using motion graphics are memorable because they can be designed with a unique visual style that sticks in the viewer’s mind.
  4. Video has global appeal: Infographic videos can be easily understood by people from different cultures and languages.

What are the steps to create a simple infographic video?

Creating an animated video to present your infographics with Canva is a simple process. Here is the basic process to follow step by step:

1. Sign up for a Canva account or log in to your existing account.

2. On the home page, choose the video tab in the blue bar.

Choosing video from the Canva format choice bar

3. If you would prefer to create from scratch, choose a format from the video design types. These simply set the dimensions of your video – although these can be changed later if you change your mind. The format you choose will depend on the purpose and target audience of your infographic. This is particularly useful if you are creating an infographic video for social media platforms as the video will look at its best if it fits the dimensions of the frame.

Alternatively you could browse through the customizable templates and select one that best fits your needs. You could also look through these for some inspiration for your own blank version.

Tip: When planning your content, even for a short video, it always helps to map out what you would like on each page. Create a simple storyboard of what will happen and in what order.

5. Customize the basic content of your video template or blank video by adding or changing the text, images, graphics, fonts, colors, and other visual elements.

6. The next step is to use the video editor to add animation! You can choose to either animate the entire page, or animate individual elements within each page.

7. You can then add the transitions between the pages. Simply hover on the space between two slides, and click on the bottom of the two icons which appear. You can then choose from a range of transition movements, which can each be altered in duration and direction. Try a few to see which works best. As a rule its best to stick with one type of transition throughout your video for consistency.

8. The great thing about creating infographic videos is that you can also add a soundtrack. This could be background music (Canva provides a large range of styles or you can upload your own) – or it could a voiceover. You can upload this via “elements” in the sidebar.

9. Download the video as an MP4 and share as required. Note: If your video is short, has no sound and you would prefer a smaller file size, a GIF may be preferable.

More help in designing your infographic video

Canva provides a variety of tools and resources to help you create an eye-catching infographic video, even if you have no design experience. With a bit of creativity and practice, you can produce an impressive video that effectively communicates your message. For lots more helpful advice, we recommend that you check out the Canva YouTube Channel with explainer videos and tutorials.

A great one to start off with is: Make it Move with Animation

Want to learn more?

For more guidance on creating interactive infographics and using ThingLink to create unique immersive content, take a look at these blogs below.

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