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The New AI Tools for Content Marketing: How to Make the Most of GPT3

Kyla Ball

In recent months, GPT3 has moved out of the tech news sections and into the headlines. But what is it exactly? How does it work and why has it become such a hot topic? This blog post aims to give you an introduction to how GPT3 works. We suggest how you can best use it – and other useful artificial intelligence tools – to optimize your own digital marketing efforts. We look at the use cases where it can really help in the content creation process.

What is GPT3 and how does it work?

GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a machine learning model created by OpenAI and widely used for natural language processing (NLP) to “write” content. The technology relies on predictive text techniques. The user provides initial words or text as input; this is then broken down, allowing for pattern recognition and analysis of word order. GPT3 then generates new text using its own statistical models or algorithms.

Essentially, GPT3 uses the context of surrounding words to “guess” or predict what word or words should come next in the sentence or paragraph. The “3” in GPT3 simply designates that it is the third generation model in the series. The difference with GPT3 from older versions is its ability to generate content that is more natural sounding than its predecessors. To the untrained eye, the content it produces is virtually identical to anything written by a human. As we will cover later, this is understandably raising some concerns in sectors such as education.

The AI tools you already use

GPT3 is really just one of a huge range of AI content creation tools – so commonplace that you probably use them without realising! You may already use search engine optimization (SEO) tools, keyword research tools, or tools like Hubspot which deal with the process automation required for marketing campaigns.

You could also argue that this technology is a distant cousin of the baked-in technology that we have all been using for decades of word processing – such as spell-check and formatting. Content improver or suggestion platforms such as Grammarly have also been around for years and are now commonplace.

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The benefits of AI for content marketing

For content creators, writers and any organisations who require and rely on large amounts of content generation, this technology is now becoming invaluable. The key benefit of GPT3 and any AI content tools is simply that they save enormous amounts of time, human work hours – and therefore money – on all the tasks that are involved in generating a large volume of content.

GPT’s job is to take a large amount of data and to edit it down to what’s required by the end user. Arguably this is exactly sort of thing that in the past might have come out of a brainstorming session with a large marketing team, or representatives of your wider organisation. Or perhaps the base material would be unearthed by a junior researcher in your team.

Either way, a huge amount of initial content would be “mined”, and only a small amount would end up in the eventual marketing campaign. In essence, GPT3 is taking that same time-consuming task of distilling down content, and doing it far more quickly than humans could ever do!

AI allows you more time to do your best work

One question that comes up time and again with content-creation AI is: does this mean we’re going to get rid of content writers and use AI-generated content for everything?

Every content creator should be looking to create high-quality content that is genuinely useful to your target audience – not just enormous volumes of data-driven text. The key to using GPT3 – and any sort of AI tool – is to use it to do the heavy lifting. The time saved gives you and your team the chance to let your creative juices flow. It allows you to concentrate your content marketing efforts on the things that writers, marketers and other humans are best at!

How to use AI in your content marketing

One of the most commonly used copywriting tools that uses GPT3 is Jasper AI, and for good reason. Jasper provides a wide range of templates – from emails, blogs, Google ads, social media headings, web pages and landing pages and lots more. There are different levels and pricing available, which generally provide good value for money.

Although GPT3 can create more accurate natural language generation than older models, AI platforms like Jasper should still be used with caution and with certain caveats. Here are the main ways that we would recommend that you use a tool like this in your content creation process.

  • New formats: AI tools can help you come up with new formats or types of content. For example you may have one subject in mind and require long form content in a variety of models – such as listicles, how to guides, though leadership pieces. AI can help generate headers or tables of content for these which you can then use to “put meat on the bones” of the basic structure.
  • Ideas for content: You can use AI tools to generate content ideas if you’re suffering from a classic case of writers block. Some may work, some may not – but you have a lot of potential ideas there to accept or discard. A little like the ideas that may have been generated in the meetings we mentioned above!
  • AI can’t make decisions for you. It can’t decide upon the messaging that will work best for your upcoming campaign. It could however come up with a variety of different content approaches for the campaign’s social media posts for example.
  • Editing required – always: The most important thing to remember however is that no matter the type of content you create using AI and GPT3, there must always be an element of human content curation, editing and proofreading. Think of the content that is generated by AI as a first draft which still needs crafting and moulding into shape. Even the best AI writing platforms can never write with the personality of a human writer. You will find that the content they create is definitely lacking in emotion and character. Plus, whatever subject you are covering, it is almost certain that sooner or later you’ll generate AI content that contains errors. For this reason, it’s vital that you fact check any content that’s generated.

The potential issues that AI raises in content creation

There is concern in the academic community that content created with free products such as ChatGPT will mean that more easily than ever, students can produce entire essays written entirely with AI. However, AI detection tools are increasing in sophistication – and in certain universities the use of the technology has been banned. Whether academic institutions will go so far as to change the way courses are taught in the wake of this explosion in AI technology remains to be seen.

The future of AI technology in content marketing

In summary, AI powered technology like GPT3 clearly have huge potential for producing creative content when partnered with original human thought. But like any marketing tools, they are only as powerful as the creator who wields them, and your skills in using them will definitely improve if you take advantage of all the learning that is provided, and continue to test and adjust as you go.

Further reading

Want to read more about content creation? Pick from our curated list of blogs below.

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