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Create Your Own Scenario Based Learning with Our New Templates

Kyla Ball

Creating an online course or module is now easier than ever using Scenario Builder templates

In the world of elearning and corporate training, creating engaging and effective online courses that truly engage your trainees is every course creator’s goal. With the surge in demand for online training, educators and corporate trainers are constantly on the lookout for innovative tools and techniques that cater to the learning needs of their learners, but that are simple to use, build and update. Enter ThingLink’s Scenario Builder templates: a game-changer for elearning course creation.

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Why Choose Scenario-Based Learning (SBL)?

Scenario-Based Learning (SBL) is an instructional design strategy that replicates real-world situations, placing learners in a decision-making role. It enhances critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills by immersing learners in real-life situations that demand these competencies.

Benefits of Scenario-Based Learning:

  1. Real-world Context: SBL offers a realistic scenario, allowing learners to connect their learning experiences with real-world applications. This bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application.
  2. Active Learning: Instead of passive consumption, learners engage in active decision-making, promoting retention and deeper understanding.
  3. Safe Environment: It offers a risk-free environment where mistakes become learning opportunities without real-life consequences.

Learn more about ThingLink’s Scenario Builder

Check out our dedicated YouTube playlist featuring short videos that demonstrate the simplicity of crafting interactive scenario-based learning with ThingLink. Listen to insights from ThingLink’s Founder and CEO, Ulla-Maaria Koivula, as she highlights the tool’s standout features. Plus, catch a webinar where we design a complete learning scenario from the ground up in less than 20 minutes.

Leveraging ThingLink’s Scenario Builder Templates

Creating a compelling storyline for your elearning course can be challenging. However, ThingLink’s templates make it easier, providing a foundation upon which you can build your learning scenarios.

  1. Choose the Right Type of Scenario: Depending on your learning objectives and the complexity of the subject matter, you can opt for microlearning episodes that follow a linear path (or paths) – or more extended multi-branching scenarios. For instance, compliance training may need in-depth branching, while soft skills training can benefit from shorter, focused (but still highly interactive) linear scenarios.
  2. Incorporate Real-life Elements: Use 360 images and videos, with added interactive elements, that replicate real-life situations to create a sense of authenticity. This boosts learner engagement and mirrors the challenges they might face in a real-world context.
  3. Decision Points: Integrate decision points within your scenarios to test and enhance learners’ decision-making and problem-solving abilities.
  4. Gamification: Adding elements of gamification, like scores or badges, as well as timers to increase the pressure, can make the learning experience even more engaging.

Integrating with Other Authoring Tools

While ThingLink is powerful on its own, integrating it with other authoring tools can amplify its capabilities. For instance, combining it with tools like Articulate Storyline can allow you to import PowerPoint slides, enhancing the interactivity and richness of your elearning course.

Learning Needs and SMEs (Subject Matter Experts)

Before diving into the design scenarios, it’s crucial to identify the learning needs of your target audience. Collaborating with SMEs can also ensure that your content is accurate and aligns with the desired learning outcomes.

The Perfect Tool to Create Microlearning Experiences

Microlearning refers to bite-sized learning modules, often spanning 5-10 minutes. This strategy aligns with the modern learner’s attention span and is perfect for teaching new skills. By utilizing ThingLink’s templates, creating effective microlearning modules becomes a breeze.

Scenario Templates and Corporate Training

The four different scenario builder template we have developed can be tailored and adapted for different aspects of corporate training. For example:

  1. Soft Skills: Our Simulation Scenario template is ideal for this type of training. In the blog Create Branched Learning Scenarios with ThingLink’s New Simulation Template we show how this template has been used to build a scenario exploring Leadership Styles. Alternatively you could use the simple but effective Linear Template, which still allows plenty of scope for exploring interactive and immersive content incorporating 360 images and videos and rich multimedia annotation. You could also build your scenario using the Self-Exploratory template which allows the learner to follow the branch related to the subject of their choice.
  2. Compliance Training: For this type of training, it’s best to use a template like our Escape Room model, where employees are faced with decision points and see the immediate consequence of these, ensuring they understand company policies and real-world implications. Below is an example of a short course we have built using the escape room template.

The Escape Room model

Get started with our free downloads and templates

  • Dive deep into our four templates by accessing our detailed guidance document – it’s available for download and is a valuable resource to understand each template’s functionality and potential applications.
  • If you’re inspired by the media used in our showcased information security course and wish to adapt it, feel free to modify our Canva template, which covers every individual scene.
  • For sketching out your scenarios, our Canva Whiteboard template is at your service.
  • Create your own immersive content: Enhance your course with interactive 360-degree images. Don’t have a 360 camera? No worries! Our Pano to 360 tool, which doesn’t even require a ThingLink account, is at your disposal. Just upload your panoramic photos from your phone, and they’ll be transformed into 360 images instantly, all set for free download.

Maximizing Learner Engagement

The success of any online course lies in its ability to engage its learners. By designing an interactive scenario using ThingLink’s Scenario Builder templates, educators and trainers can ensure that learners are not just passive recipients but active participants in their learning journey.

Elearning made easy!

Scenario builder templates by ThingLink have revolutionized the elearning landscape, offering an unparalleled level of interactivity and realism for the learners or trainees, combined with ease of build for the creators. Whether it’s for corporate training or broader online training programs, using these templates ensures that learners are equipped with not just knowledge, but the critical thinking and problem-solving skills needed for real-world success. Incorporating gamification, microlearning, and other modern learning strategies, these easy-to-adapt templates are the future of effective learning in a digital age.

Get started today!

Start creating interactive learning content today and see just how easy ThingLink and Scenario Builder can be with a free trial account!

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