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5 Content Marketing Tips You Need To Know Now

Kyla Ball

Why is content marketing important?

Content marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to reach and engage their target audience. It’s the cornerstone of all digital marketing and can help foster long-term relationships, drive conversions, and boost the visibility of your brand. But the best content marketing takes time, energy, and resources to create a compelling content marketing strategy that stands out from the competition. Here are 5 quick and easy tips to help you get started with creating new content and make sure you’re doing it right from the get-go.

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Are you targeting the right audience?

Before you start creating any type of content, you should have a clear understanding of who your existing and potential customers are and what kind of content they like. Knowing your audience will give you an idea of what types of topics to cover and the tone to use when writing or speaking about them. It will also help inform which platforms are best suited for sharing your message.

As a key part of your marketing plan you should consider creating buyer personas: written sketches of each customer that you are trying to reach in all your content marketing efforts. What appeals to them, what brands do they love? Do they use and trust social media? Are they more likely to use LinkedIn or Twitter?

Remember that content doesn’t always have to be written or even visual – perhaps podcasts would work well for your audience and demographic that you are trying to reach?

Have A Plan Of Action

It’s important to have a plan in place before you start creating your first piece of content. You should know the goals of your content strategy and how it fits into overall business objectives. Having a plan will help ensure that all your efforts are focused on achieving those goals in an efficient manner. You can always update or amend your plan, but you ought to start with a content calendar which may contain individual content marketing campaigns throughout the year or cycle.

Remember to include elements of assessment within this plan. There is no point publishing content according to your plan or template if the content is not behaving as you expected. For this reason you should always incorporate some form of metrics to test whether your content marketing is hitting the target. Examples of this would be open or conversion rate for email marketing, statistics provided on Google Analytics, or comparing the engagement and reach of your social media posts. There are multiple ways that you can assess whether your content is working effectively – the important point is how you make use of this knowledge and apply it to your plan going forward!

Focus On Quality Over Quantity

While it’s important to be consistent with your content creation, don’t sacrifice quality for quantity – focus on delivering high-quality content that delivers value to readers instead of churning out low-quality SEO-focussed posts just for the sake of having something new up on your blog or website every day. SEO (search engine optimization) is certainly important, but it should be a secondary consideration.

What are the questions your audience needs answering? What are the problems they need to be solved? What are their pain points and how are you addressing these in your content?

Make Use Of Visuals

Particularly when writing in-depth, long-form content pieces such as blogs, case studies, white papers etc, visuals can also help break up big chunks of text which can be intimidating for readers who prefer shorter pieces instead of longer ones. Most bloggers these days use content that contains visuals – such as images, videos, infographics – to help make their content more engaging and easier to digest than just plain text alone.

Why not consider interactive visuals such as infographics? Take a look at these featured blogs for some great examples and more advice on content marketing:

Why you should repurpose your content

Repurpose great content for different formats when necessary: Don’t be afraid to repurpose old or existing good content if it still holds relevance or could benefit from an update! Using “evergreen content” can save time while still producing fresh material that appeals to different audiences across multiple platforms or social media channels – giving each piece more exposure than simply publishing once. Perhaps a white paper could form the basis of a webinar?

The 5 quick tips for content marketing – a recap

Effective content marketing can be a powerful tool for driving traffic, conversions, and brand awareness – but only if done correctly! To get the most out of it, you should take the time to understand your target audience and the outreach channels they use; create a plan of action before starting any content creation’ focus on quality over quantity; make use of visual elements; and repurpose existing material whenever necessary in order maximize its reach potential. With these 5 quick tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way towards developing a successful content marketing strategy that helps you reach your marketing goals and in turn wider business goals.

Want to find out more about interactive content?

If you’d like to learn more about what ThingLink can offer to your company, you can schedule an online meeting with one of our product experts below.

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