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Create Interactive Content: 10 Free Templates for ThingLink and Canva

Kyla Ball

Using ThingLink for your business or organisation? Great news: our team has curated a collection of top 10 examples of ready-to-use Canva design templates that you can access for free!

What is interactive content?

Interactive content, or interactive media, is a type of digital content designed to engage users more than traditional forms of media or passive content by allowing users to interact with the content in some way. Interactive experiences can include games, quizzes, polls, videos, podcasts, surveys and other types of engaging activities that make it easier for users to interact with the material.

What are the benefits of interactive content?

It’s an effective way for businesses to collect valuable customer and target audience user data that can be used to improve their offerings and increase lead generation. Interactive elements provide customers with an immersive experience that keeps the audience’s attention longer than traditional forms of media using static content like text or images alone.

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What is the importance of interactive content?

Whether you’re pitching a start-up, creating content marketing or sales materials, communicating internally, or creating reports for decision-makers, interactive multimedia can supercharge all types of quality content.

How do you make interactive content?

Integrating Canva into ThingLink’s creation flow means that now it is even easier for ThingLink users to create professional-looking multimedia experiences.Examples of interactive content that you can use today

Power up your content creation with these free Canva templates designed for ThingLink use! From a pitch deck to, diagrams, organization charts, and annual reports, we’ve got you covered when it comes to engaging content. Here are some ideas for how to use each of these free and editable content tools, as well as links to all of them in Canva. Once created in your ThingLink account you can easily embed it in your own website, Microsoft Teams Channel, or simply share it on social media as a link.

1. Company organizational chart

Create a more immersive experience for your organizational chart by asking your team to add video introductions. Use it on your website, or as part of any pitch deck. Here is the Canva chart template used in this design. 

2. Use ThingLink to create content that behaves like a website or landing page

Use it as a microsite for marketing or a proposal for a partnership, or a charity campaign, when you don’t want to have to create a new domain – possibilities are endless. Here’s the template we used.

3. Campaign infographic/internal engagement document

Make sure all your team members are on board with any campaign or create an interactive infographic to highlight the main value proposition on your latest blog post. Get creative with the Canva template here. 

4. Global Sustainable Development Goals presentation

The UNESCO Sustainable Development Goals should be at the heart of any enterprise’s thinking. Stay on track and report back to your stakeholders. Here is the Canva template with icons for all 17 goals. The same approach could be used for a white paper or research document.

5. Graph or chart for reporting

Use ThingLink to make any chart or graph interactive with detailed information in a variety of media. Highlight your product features, reasons to buy, explain your monthly growth, timeline, case studies or content marketing strategy. Edit the template from here.

6. Interactive content marketing: newsletter or annual report

If you are looking to do something different, make otherwise text-heavy docs interactive with links your stakeholders will immediately engage with, or even better, add voice notes on each page. An additional bonus: now you will also be able to see how many people have viewed your materials! Template right here.

7. Virtual tour of a business park/campus or new office locations

Provide your team with a map and guide to facilities or create a tour for new employees to highlight your office location! Link to the template here. For more ideas on how to create interactive maps like these, see Six Examples of Interactive Maps. 

8. Pitch or proposal

Get investors engaged from the get-go with interactive hotspots showcasing your ideas, experience and your team. Grab the Canva template here! (Plus bonus template for the linked resume thinglink!)

9. Induction road map for new employees

If you’re creating a team around you – let new employees know what to expect! Create a 30-60-90 day plan, or highlight the goals for the organization and department. Grab the template here. This could be one part of an interactive ebook

10. A Venn diagram to help you define your brand

Pin down your brand vision and identify who else sits in your brand area by identifying any overlap between two brands, or competitors. Could they be your next partner brand? Here is the Canva template for you to adapt.

How does the ThingLink Canva integration work?

Thanks to the new integration, your background image can now be created and edited directly in ThingLink. If you’re signed in to your Canva account, you can also access all your own previous and current designs and uploads. So whether you need to change the entire background image, or just update a tiny piece of text – you can do it all in ThingLink! If your content needs updating at any time, edits are made instantly – all all versions of the ThingLink content will be updated in real-time, wherever they are embedded. 

What other types of interactive content can you create?

You can also use ThingLink to make interactive video content, 360 images, 360 videos and 3D objects interactive? Canva has millions of images to use Royalty Free, as well as videos and animations that you can use to easily create interactive video content.

And now with ThingLink’s Scenario Builder, it’s easy to create interactive scenario-based learning experiences and modules for onboarding, CPD or refreshing your employees’ skills. Assessments and interactive quizzes can be built-in. Use it for onboarding or CPD or to refresh employees’ skills. There’s also an easy calculator to see what your learners have scored for each module as well as other useful user metrics.

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