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New ThingLink Grid Feature: Position Your Tags with Precision

Louise Jones

It’s now even easier to create slick and professional-looking interactive content with another of ThingLink’s handy new content tools. The Grid Feature allows you to place tags precisely in line with others – to assist in creating and optimizing all types of interactive content.

Crosshairs as shown above help you create professional looking interactive content

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What could you use this feature for?

Do you create interactive infographics for your learners? Perhaps you are looking to produce interactive content for social media or landing pages? Are you a creator of online training and assessment or any other kind of interactive experience? 
Whatever sort of interactive media you create, your target audience will appreciate the enhanced user experience that clear and ordered visual content provides. This is where the Grid Feature comes in!

How will the Grid Feature help in your content creation?

Until now, whenever you added the interactive elements to your ThingLink creations, you had to judge by eye whether tags lined up precisely. Now the default grid lines will appear in the editor as you add the tags or hotspots, to help ensure that your content looks as sharp and professional as possible. Use it in conjunction with our Canva integration to create pieces of content that really impress and encourage exploration.

Benefits of interactive content

Professional-looking interactive content is engaging content, which will immediately grab your audience’s attention and keep them interested for longer. The days of passive content are gone, with audiences looking for interactive videos, images and other pieces of quality content that will engage and stimulate, and enable you to take your audience engagement to the next level. 

In Education

Interactive quizzes, timelines and interactive maps are all great examples of how to engage learners. Our educator community have created some fantastic templates to start you off!

In HR or Corporate Training and Learning

Create interactive content for your learners and immediately see the uptick in engagement, retention and recall vs static content. Use ThingLink’s inbuilt tools to see metrics on learner engagement to constantly adapt and improve your training materials.

In Marketing and Communications

Interactive media should be part of your marketing strategy from the outset. An interactive multimedia approach to content marketing helps you get to know your customers better and how they interact with your content. Use this user data to build a better picture of what your customers engage with and see conversion rates increase. Why not use the new Grid Feature when creating interactive case studies, interactive ebooks and white papers as part of your lead generation strategy? 

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I create interactive multimedia content?

Become a Certified Creator?  Take our free ThingLink Certified Creator Course. Click here to find out more. 

What is the first step for interactive media?

You can start by signing up for a free trial, then explore our useful guides or begin our 10-module self paced Certified Creator Course. 

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