Magic wand

🔥 New & Improved: ThingLink's AI-Powered Scenario Builder

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Immersive Learning Made Easy

Engaging, Inspiring, and Accessible Training and Development

AI Tools for Quick Content Creation

Create Interactive Media Collaboratively

Experiential Learning on Any Device, Any LMS, in Any Language

Transcending Traditional Boundaries of Educational Content

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Self-Guided & Guided 360° Tour

AR Experience

Interactive Media

Interactive 3D Model

VR Experience

Interactive Spaces

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Business & Public Sector

Save time and improve learning results with virtual training, guided tours, and simulations.

Business & Public Sector poster

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Improve learning experiences and outcomes, enable students to develop essential skills and digital fluency.

Education poster

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استكشف القوالب الحية واستخدم الحالات من العملاء الحاليين

Campus tour 360° images virtual tours Showroom, exhibitions Maps, aerial views Infographics Corporate training Presentations Product marketing eCommerce 360° videos VR experiences Real estate

University of Rochester Medical Center presents their expansive campus to stakeholders with this interactive virtual tour.

L'Echo uses aerial 360° images to demonstrate an expansive plan to relaunch the canal system of Brussels as a symbol of renewal for Belgium.

Klüber Lubrication digitally exhibits their solutions for cranes and port facilities.

Coca-Cola Europe creates an interactive image that communicates the valuable contributions partners made during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Surgical Information Systems creates an interactive infographic marketing the key performance indicators of their products.

UNICEF uses a ThingLink module to educate their audience on vaccine hesitancy.

Bethel Elementary School uses a set of interactive images to introduce staff during their 2021 virtual open house.

Pool Corp uses interactive infographics on their corporate blog to creatively market the various products and services the team offers.

University of Pittsburgh drives eCommerce, point-of-purchase sales with this shoppable room. Each ThingLink tag includes a call-to-action button linking to a specific product page.

Vertex Pharmaceuticals welcomes visitors to explore their labs through 360° videos and see where the magic happens in this state-of-the-art laboratory in San Diego.

The Maine State Archives celebrated the State of Maine’s bicentennial with special Virtual Reality (VR) experiences to help the public engage with Maine history.

Aperature Del Mar makes this real estate landing page more visually discoverable with an interactive image for buyers to learn about their corporate campus property.

Six reasons why content creators love ThingLink

Millions of digital content creators across sectors use ThingLink to radically improve engagement and learning results with interactive media: images, videos, virtual tours, 3D models and simulations.

Easy to learn

Easy to learn

Save time, money and resources with an intuitive editor that is easy to learn in 2 minutes.

All in One

All in One

Add hotspots to images, videos, 360/VR & 3D models, and combine them into an engaging scenario.



Manage mass content and audiences, thousands of users with enterprise level support and security.



Collect feedback, track engagement and get individual learner data on completion rate and performance.

Plays with others

Plays with others

Embeddable to any website or LMS. Integrations with Microsoft, Google, Canvas, Canva & more!

Immediate results

Immediate results

Interactivity on visual media radically improves engagement and learning performance for all age groups.

Watch to learn more about ThingLink!

محرر سهل الاستخدام لأجهزة سطح المكتب والأجهزة اللوحية

ضع علامة على الصور والفيديوهات ووسائط 360° لوصول فوري للمعلومات الإضافية، والمقاطع الصوتية والفيديو، والروابط المدمجة وروابط المواقع.

Multimedia editor
Scenario builder

ضع علامة على الصور والفيديوهات ووسائط 360° لوصول فوري للمعلومات الإضافية، والمقاطع الصوتية والفيديو، والروابط المدمجة وروابط المواقع.

Branching scenarios for eLearning and communication

Scenario builder scheme

Branching scenarios for eLearning and communication

ThingLink Scenario Builder is an authoring tool for recreating real-life learning environments and situations in the cloud using interactive media. Quickly develop immersive learning with rich data insights while improving learning outcomes.

Learn more

اخلط وادمج وسائط التفاعلية

قم بإنشاء تجربة مستخدم سلسة من خلال ربط الصيغ المختلفة للوسائط: الصور، الفيديوهات، صور 360°، وفيديوهات 360°.

ThingLink Editor on iPad

قم بإنشاء تجربة مستخدم سلسة من خلال ربط الصيغ المختلفة للوسائط: الصور، الفيديوهات، صور 360°، وفيديوهات 360°.

ThingLink awards

International recognition for our contribution to innovation in interactive technologies

European Metaverse Awards winner: Top XR Firm Bett 2023 Award winner - HIGHER EDUCATION – DIGITAL LEARNING PRODUCT GESS Education Award winner 2022 Winner of the 2018 UNESCO ICT in Education Prize edTechX rise 2017 winner Capterra shortlist 2022 hundrED Global Education Innovation Award 2018 Tutorful Best edTech Tool design SaaS Best Virtual Tool Software in 2022 by industry experts
ThinLink user interface on iPhone
ThinLink user interface on iPhone
ThinLink user interface on iPhone

توثيق المشاريع، والطبيعة والثقافة

تطبيق ThingLink المحمول هو الطريقة الأسهل لحفظ ومشاركة الملاحظات والملحوظات عن أماكن ومواقف وتحف في العالم الحقيقي. مثالي للتعلم في الفصل المدرسي ومكان العمل مع تسجيل مباشر للصوت على صور الكاميرا!

مجموعة متنوعة من تخطيطات المحتوى وخيارات التخصيص

وفر الوقت واصنع تصاميم احترافية من خلال تخصيص التصميمات من أجل الإشارات والأيقونات، أو قم بدمج أي محتوى من طرف ثالث.

مجموعة متنوعة من تخطيطات المحتوى وخيارات التخصيص

وفر الوقت واصنع تصاميم احترافية من خلال تخصيص التصميمات من أجل الإشارات والأيقونات، أو قم بدمج أي محتوى من طرف ثالث.

مجموعة متنوعة من تخطيطات المحتوى وخيارات التخصيص

وفر الوقت واصنع تصاميم احترافية من خلال تخصيص التصميمات من أجل الإشارات والأيقونات، أو قم بدمج أي محتوى من طرف ثالث.

Woman in VR headset

شارك على شاشات كبيرة وصغيرة

احصل على الحد الأقصى من المشاركة من خلال مشاركة thinglinks على أجهزة سطح المكتب، الأجهزة المحمولة، أو شاشة التلفاز الكبرى، أو نظارات الواقع الافتراضي المحمولة.

Woman in VR headset

قياس النتائج

احصل على ردود فورية على استهلاك المحتوى. ستساعدك إحصائيات ThingLink على تطوير تصميمات تحفز المشاركة أكثر.

قياس النتائج

احصل على ردود فورية على استهلاك المحتوى. ستساعدك إحصائيات ThingLink على تطوير تصميمات تحفز المشاركة أكثر.

Completion rate
Tag clicks
Image views
Click rate
24.2 s
Avg. time on scene
Aug 25 Aug 26 Aug 27 Aug 28 Aug 29 Aug 30 Aug 31
Avg. time on media
Tag Hovers Clicks H/C ratio Interaction
Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge
543 33 6.08% 3.5 s
De Lacs National Wildlife Refuge
468 16 3.42% 3.6 s
Sleeper Spots: Aquatic Management Areas
553 18 3.25% 4.1 s
Sleeper Spots: Army Corps of Engineers Lands
568 25 7.92% 7.5 s
Sleeper Spots: Department of Defence Lands
355 45 7.04% 7.0 s
Tag hovers
Hover rate

What do ThingLink customers say?

Cover for the video

Sven H.

Star Star Star Star Star
Learning & Development Business Partner Telecommunications
Cover for the video

Missy S.

Star Star Star Star Star
Learning & Development Business Partner Telecommunications
Picture of a person

Teresa M.

Star Star Star Star Star

Super easy for the youngest minds to use and interact with technology for classroom projects. I enjoyed the versatility of it and ease of use. Assign and go for students.

Gifted Education, E-Learning, 10,001+ employees
Carmanah logo

Carmanah Technologies Corp.

Star Star Star Star Star

It was invaluable to be able to place the product in context for our stand visitors rather than see it on its own. They were totally immersed by the content as we took them into various parts of the tour.

Business Development Team
Picture of a person

Jessica E.

Star Star Star Star Star

Overall experience is positive. Students can engage 24/7, inside and outside of the classroom and it's so much better than just flat pictures!

EMT Instructor Senior, Higher Education, 1001-5000 employee
Picture of a person

Melissa S.

Star Star Star Star Star

So far the experience has been good. The support response and reaction were a bit slow and they didn't quite understand what I was looking for and anticipate my next question but they were reactive.

Learning & Development Business Partner Telecommunications, 501-1000 employees
Picture of a person

Ludmila S.

Star Star Star Star Star

I enjoyed using the software and had a blast with my science classes. All the teacher candidates in my course deigned and taught Thinglink lessons at the local schools and the school bought the accounts for teachers.

Higher Education, 1001-5000 employees
Picture of a person

Abby C.

Star Star Star Star Star

It has been so helpful for teaching virtual students. It transports them into a virtual world where they can hear me teach, see what I am referring to, and have deeper understanding.

Music, 51-200 employees

What do ThingLink customers say?

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